General FAQ
What is Travel Rule?
The Travel Rule requires virtual asset service providers (VASPs) like banks, exchanges, custodial solutions, and financial service providers to identify and share the origins and destinations of crypto transactions.
What is VASP?
VASP stands for Virtual Asset Service Provider. It refers to any business or entity that conducts activities related to virtual assets, such as exchange services, transfer services, custodial services, or any other financial services.
What are Virtual Asset (VAs)?
Financial Action Task Force (FATF) defines Virtual Assets (VAs) as digitally represented value that can be traded, transferred, or used for payment or investment purposes but does not have a physical form, including cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, utility tokens, security token,s or non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
Why do we need Travel Rule?
The Travel Rule is needed to prevent money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes in the crypto space. It ensures that Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) share specific transaction details when transferring virtual assets.
Will Bybit TR implement Travel Rule?
Yes, we will collect certain information about your crypto deposit and withdrawals. This will affect individual and business customers when conducting transactions to and from the VASP (other cryptocurrency exchange) or private wallet (such as Metamask or any other decentralized wallet provider).
How would it affect me as a Bybit TR customer?
Bybit TR will require you to provide the following information for crypto deposit and withdrawal:
Channel |
Wallet Ownership |
Deposit |
Withdrawal |
Through VASP |
Own Wallet |
Not required in normal circumstances. |
Fill in the recipient name and recipient ID details. The information must be matched with the details on the recipient exchange. If the withdrawal is sent to another person, you should fill in the details of the person. |
Another Person Wallet | |||
Through Personal Wallet |
Own Wallet |
Go to deposit history to complete the wallet ownership verification. |
Fill in the recipient name and recipient ID details. Once you submit the withdrawal, go to the withdrawal history to complete the wallet ownership verification. If the withdrawal is sent to another person's wallet, you can copy the verification link and send it to the sender for verification. |
Another Person Wallet |
Go to deposit history to copy the verification link and send it to the sender for verification. |
Do I need to do wallet address verification for all deposits and withdrawals?
It depends on the transaction you made according to the details below.
a. Crypto Deposit
For deposits from other VASPs, Bybit TR does not require wallet address verification from users, and the deposit will be credited to your Funding Account after the system confirms that the information between Bybit TR’s and counterparty VASP (sender’s platform) can be matched.
However, for deposits from personal wallet, you will need to complete the wallet ownership verification from your deposit history. Open the verification link and connect to your wallet.
If the deposit is from another person’s wallet, you can copy the verification link and send it to the sender to prove the address.
Once the verification is done, the deposit will be credited to your Funding Account.
b. Crypto Withdrawal
You must provide the name and ID of the beneficiary party and whether the transfer is going to a VASP or private wallet.
For withdrawal to VASP, no further verification is required and your withdrawal will be processed if the information submitted can be matched with the recipient exchange.
For private wallet, you will need to further complete the address verification from the withdrawal history page to prove your wallet ownership.
When do I need to do wallet address verification?
You will need to do the wallet ownership verification for both deposit and withdrawal from the respective transaction history if the sender or recipient address belongs to a personal wallet.
What should I do if my deposit and withdrawal are from or to another person’s wallet?
If the deposit and withdrawal are from or to another person’s wallet, you can copy the verification link from your deposit or withdrawal history, and send it to another person to complete the verification.
Do I need to do verification for the same address for deposit and withdrawal?
No, you only need to verify an address once.
I have submitted a withdrawal request to VASP, but it says “No Match Found Yet”?
This can happen when the withdrawal destination has not found a match for the recipient information input. You can still submit your withdrawal request, and the withdrawal will be processed once we receive a response from the recipient exchange. You can cancel your withdrawal at any time during the process.
Can I cancel my withdrawal?
Yes, you can cancel your withdrawal as long as you have not done the verification. If the Cancel button is grayed out, you can no longer cancel your withdrawal request.
Why does it show “Information Match Failed” for my withdrawal?
This is because the recipient information you provided does not match the details from the recipient's destination. Please ensure you fill in the correct information to submit your withdrawal request.
Does any amount of deposits and withdrawals require verification?
Yes, any deposit and withdrawal amount is subject to verification.
What would happen if my verification failed?
For deposit, it will be refunded back to the sender’s wallet provider. For withdrawal, the funds will be refunded to your Funding Account.
Will this information be shared with third parties?
The information will only be shared with other regulated VASP involved in the transaction, as legally required, and will be treated with the utmost confidentiality. Bybit TR takes stringent security measures to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing customer data.
How to complete wallet address verification for Deposit and Withdrawal
You need to complete the wallet address verification if the deposit comes from the Personal Wallet. To complete the wallet address verification for deposit, please follow the steps below:
Step 1: Go to your deposit history, look for the deposit with Wallet Ownership Verification Required, and click on Go to process.
Step 2: Select where this deposit comes from: My wallet or Another person’s wallet, and Submit.
Step 3: Click on the proceed icon on Wallet Ownership Verification. Connect to the sender’s wallet and you have completed the verification.
Before you can submit the withdrawal request, you will need to complete the wallet verification process as follows:
Step 1: Select your coin, address, and chain type to withdraw as per usual.
Step 2: Select whether the withdrawal is to VASP or Personal Wallet. Then, fill in the Recipient name, and Recipient ID details. The provided data must match the name and ID registered on the destination exchange.
Step 3: Click on the “Submit” button to submit your withdrawal request. Once the verification is passed, your withdrawal will be processed.
Step 4: If you make withdrawals to your personal wallet, you will need to do a further verification from your withdrawal history. Look for the withdrawal that requires wallet ownership verification, and click on “Go to process”.
Step 4: Connect to the destination wallet provider to verify your wallet information.
Step 5: Once the verification process is completed and passed, the withdrawal will be processed.