Troubleshooting: Google Authenticator "Invalid Code" Error
    bybit2025-02-13 04:32:23

    It is possible that after entering your Google Authenticator code, the Bybit TR page will display an error message such as “Invalid Code”.


    There can be multiple reasons for this error to appear and users are advised to follow the steps below.




    Step 1: As you may have several Google Authenticator code for different platforms, please ensure that you are entering the correct 6 digit random code generated by your Google Authenticator or other 2FA apps. 


    For Bybit TR, the code should be generated under the Bybit TR section followed by your registered email address or phone number. Please ensure the code you refer to are generated under the name:






    Step 2: The 2FA verification is highly time-sensitive. As such, the “invalid code” error can appear if your devices are registering a time difference — and can even be only a few seconds with the Google Authenticator application. 


    In this case, please try to synchronize the times between your devices and the Google Authenticator application. You can consult our complete guide for the time synchronization below:


    For Android users:

    1) Ensure that your Android phone is set to automatic date and time in your phone settings.

    2) Please open up your Google Authentication app.

    3) On the top right-hand corner, click on the colon (:) and select settings.

    4) Once you're in the settings page, click on Time correction for codes, and click onto Sync now.


    This process will allow the synchronization of time in your Google Authenticator app with the Google server, resolving the invalid code error message.

    For iOS users:

    1) Please ensure that you have the latest version of iOS.

    2) Turn on Set Automatically in Settings General Date & Time. This automatically sets your date and time based on your time zone. If there’s an available time zone update, your device lets you know.

    3) Allow your device to use its current location to determine the correct time zone. To do this, go to Settings Privacy Location Services System Services and select Setting Time Zone.

    4) Check that your device shows the correct time zone in Settings General Date & Time Time Zone.


    This process will allow the apps to synchronize the time on the apps, with the Google server, which could be one of the reasons why there is an invalid code issue.






    Step 3: If the previous steps were not successful, please try to login using incognito mode by pressing Ctrl + Shift + N. If you are able to login, it is possible that a cookie or cache is preventing the code from being validated by the system. You can clear your browser’s cookies and cache as follows: 

    — Go to your browser settings to clear your browser's cookies and cache. You can find a complete guide here for more details. 

    — Close all the tabs opened on your browser and reopen a new tab to ensure the settings changes are effective.

    — Relaunch and attempt to login again. 


    If you are using the app, please follow the steps hereafter:

    — Go to the profile icon at the top left corner of the homepage. Click on Settings and then select Clear Cache to clear your phone’s cache.



    — Force quit your Bybit TR app on your recent apps drawer. You can follow this guide for Android or this guide for iOS.

    — Relaunch your app after a few minutes and attempt another login. 






    Step 4: If closing the App or reopening your browser did not work, you may have an issue with your internet speed or reliability. Please ensure that you are not using a VPN. If you are using one, it may compromise the time synchronization and your internet speed so please disable it first and try to log in again.


    If you are not using a VPN or if it is already disabled, please check whether your connection is fast, reliable and secured. You can check on Bybit TR’s routing system that will indicate the internet connection at the lower right corner of your Bybit TR Trading Page.




    On the App, you can check your network by clicking on the profile icon at the top left corner of the homepage. Click on About UsNetwork Test




    If your network is not good, please head to Settings Switch routing and select a different routing option.



    You can also try disconnecting and reconnecting your WiFi / mobile connection to improve the network connection.






    Step 5: If none of the steps above are successful, you may have an issue with your Google Authenticator binding, in which case, you may want to unbind and rebind your GA again. 


    If you have saved the Recovery Key Phrase (RKP) when you first bind your account, attempt a fresh rebinding of your Bybit TR 2FA inside your Google Authenticator app by following the guide here. You can then attempt another fresh login using the new set of generated codes. 


    Note: A Recovery Key Phrase is presented in either a QR code or a string of alphanumerics. It will only be shown once, which is at the point of binding your Google Authenticator and will be presented as such: 





    If you have not saved the Recovery Key Phrase (RKP), please follow the steps indicated in the Solution 2 of the guide hereafter: How to Recover Your Google Authenticator Code.


    Please note that this guide can be used for most 2FA verification applications.

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