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    How to Register an AccountThis guide will help you register an account on Bybit TR easily and efficiently.Important notes:Ensure that the account information and personal information you provide during registration are accurat...
    How to Recover an Unsupported Depositblockchains before initiating deposits to prevent asset loss due to unsupported deposits. If you made a supported coin deposit but your funds are missing, please follow this guide. If unsupported coi...
    How to Extract The Content From Your Data Export FileIf you have managed to retrieve your account data thanks to the Data Export feature available on your account but you are experiencing difficulty extracting the file’s content in your computer, ple...
    How to Identify Phishing Emails and Avoid Common Scamsblockchain. The scammers then provide detailed instructions on how users can deposit funds into their Bybit TR accounts, appearing helpful to lower users' guards.Subsequently, they provide a with...
    Bybit TR Security Termsblockchain industry, we work closely with our trusted industry partners, policy makers and regulators around the world to shape a top-notch regulatory framework and contribute to a sustainable crypto ...
    Self-Service Features: Updating your Email, Mobile Number, and Google Authenticator on Bybit TRBybit has integrated new account security features into your account. Now, you can submit your account change requests from the login page.   Step 1: Log in to your account via Bybit’s website or...
    Troubleshooting: Error When Submitting a Crypto Deposit Recovery Requestblockchain you have used from the platform you made the withdrawal. For Level 1:2. Video screen recording of previously used coin wallet Assuming a transfer was made from Exchange A to Bybit TR, our...
    FAQ — Fiat WithdrawalGeneral InformationWithdrawal Method RelatedOrder RelatedGeneral InformationWhich fiat currencies are supported for Fiat Withdrawal?Only a selected amount of fiat currencies are available for withdraw...
    Troubleshooting: Google Authenticator "Invalid Code" ErrorIt is possible that after entering your Google Authenticator code, the Bybit TR page will display an error message such as “Invalid Code”. There can be multiple reasons for this error to appear a...
    How to Submit Additional Verification for Withdrawalblockchain: If the external exchange platform does not show the full refund TXID in the history page but a link redirects to the blockchain, please click on the link and show the information on the bl...