I give my consent for the processing of my personal data which I have shared with Bybit Kripto Varlık Alım Satım Platformu Anonim Şirketi, by Bybit TR within the scope of the Clarification Text Regarding the Processing of Personal Data (“Clarification Text”), which consists of my identity (name-surname, date of birth, place of birth, mother's name-father's name, identity number(s), identity serial number, other identification information, social media user name), communication (mobile phone number, e-mail address, address), location (location information), legal transaction (information in correspondence with judicial authorities, information in the case file), customer transaction (transaction date, transaction type, transaction amount, place of transaction, method of transaction, transaction type, contact records with customer service), transaction security (device type and identity, usage tracking information, IP address and information from WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network), transaction history, access date and time, browser type and version), finance (bank account information, income status , account movements, assets information, balance information, crypto asset account information, crypto asset address, deposited amount, assets information, crypto asset wallet number, crypto asset balance), professional experience (professional knowledge), marketing ( marketing information), visual record (photo, identity card, identity card, driver's license, passport, residence permit) information:
to be transferred to the servers, programs, cloud computing and other similar electronic environments that receive relevant storage, archiving and information technology support located abroad, Bybit TR group companies, affiliates and shareholders for the purposes of carrying out Bybit TR activities and carrying out these activities due to the functioning of infrastructure and information systems, provided that the necessary security measures are taken within the scope of the Clarification Text.