FAQ — Rewards Hub
    bybit2025-02-24 14:11:23

    What is the Rewards Hub?

    With Bybit TR’s Rewards Hub, new and existing users can claim their rewards for completing tasks and participating in campaigns. Rewards Hub tasks will be updated periodically. Traders can earn exclusive rewards by completing tasks. There are 4 types of rewards — Fee Saver, Airdrop, Fee Discount, APY Booster, and Loss Cover Voucher — all serving different purposes. 


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    Bybit TR's Rewards Hub: Your Path to Effortless Earning and Trading Benefits

    What type of rewards will I receive? 

    1. Fee Savers

    There are few types of Fee Savers: Trading Fee Fee Saver, Buy Crypto Fee Saver. All fee savers have an expiration date. Any unused fee savers will be forfeited on the expiration date, and will not be reimbursed. All fee savers cannot be withdrawn.


    Trading Fee Fee Saver:

    A Trading Fee Fee Saver can be used to offset trading fees for Spot contracts. You can receive 2 types of trading fee fee savers:

    • Fee Saver deducting an amount of fees: An amount will be shown on the fee saver. Once claimed, the fee saver will be used automatically in one or more transactions, depending on the fee incurred on your trades. For example, if a trader receives a $100 OFF fee saver for trades and places a trade with a fee of 50 USDT, the fee saver will be used to compensate the trading fee for this transaction. The remaining fee saver value will be 50 USDT to be used on the next transactions.

    • Fee Saver deducting a percentage of fees: A percentage will be shown on the fee saver. Once claimed, the fee saver will be used automatically in one or more transactions, depending on the fee incurred. For example, if a trader receives a 20% OFF fee saver for trades, with a face value of 100 USDT and he places a trade with a fee of 50 USDT, the fee saver will be used and compensate 10 USDT (50 USDT x 20% = 10 USDT) for this transaction. The remaining fee saver value will be 90 USDT to be used on the next transactions.


    Buy Crypto fee saver:

    Buy Crypto Fee Savers can be used to offset transaction fees incurred during One-Click Buy using credit card payment or via Fiat deposit as specified on the voucher details. When using the Buy Crypto Fee Saver, the system prioritizes deducting fees from the Fee Saver. However, if the Fee Saver amount is insufficient to cover the entire fee, the remaining fee will be subtracted from your own funds.


    2. Airdrop

    An airdrop serves the same purpose as the user's own assets and can be used for any purpose after it’s received. Users can view available airdrops on the Funding Account History page and filter the Airdrop option.



    3. Fee Discount 

    With a Fee Discount, you’ll be able to get a specified percentage of discount on your trading fees and/or Fiat transaction fees.


    Please note that all discounts will be applied to the non-VIP rates. If you’re entitled to a better fee rate according to your current VIP level, your VIP rate will apply instead of the discount. For example, Trader A is VIP 1 with a taker fee rate of 0.04%, and he receives a 10% fee discount. The system will compare Trader A’s VIP fee rate of 0.04% with the discounted fee rate of 0.0495% (0.055% × 90%), and take whichever is lower. In this case, the VIP fee rate is lower and will be applied to Trader’s A account.


    For further information regarding the VIP fee discount and advantages, kindly refer to this article.



    4. APY Booster

    The APY Booster voucher allows you to earn additional yield for Bybit TR Earn products within a certain period.


    What are the differences between the rewards?

    Each type of reward can be utilized for various products and different fees. Please consult this article for more details on the differences between each reward. However, please note that, with the exception of Airdrop, rewards can only be utilized for trading activities and cannot be utilized to offset withdrawal fees.




    Do I need to complete Identity (KYC) verification?
    Yes, users will be required to complete KYC verification in order to claim their rewards.

    If I’ve successfully claimed multiple Fee Discount vouchers with overlapping expiration dates, what is my final fee discount rate?

    In this case, the voucher offering the greatest discount will be applied. If you're eligible for any other fee promotions that may provide a greater discount, including but not limited to VIP Program, the voucher/promotion with the greatest discount will be applied.

    Will the reward be released immediately after I complete the task? 

    No. There may be a 3-day delay for rewards to be distributed to allow for risk checks. For rewards from other Bybit TR Campaigns or events, please refer to the rewards distribution dates stated on the terms and conditions of the respective events.

    I’ve completed the task. Why am I not receiving the rewards after 3 days? 

    • Click on the task details to make sure that your task is completed according to the rules.

    • Task status and rewards are updated within three (3) days after completion. Please check again three (3) days later.

    • Make sure to click on Claim Now before the task expires.


    If you’ve done all of the above and still aren’t able to claim your rewards three (3) days after completing the task, please submit a request under Bybit TR Campaigns, and Rewards.

    Is there any time frame for completing Rewards Hub tasks? 

    Yes. The time frame will be different depending on the type of task. You can click on the task details to check the task end date.

    Is there any time frame for claiming the rewards received on my account?

    Yes, you will need to claim the rewards before they expire.



    Will my claimed rewards expire?

    Yes. There is an expiration date for the claimed rewards (excluding airdrop). Any unused rewards after expiration will be forfeited, and no reimbursement will be made. You can check the valid date of your claimed rewards from the My Rewards page.



    Where can I check and view my existing Fee Saver ?

    All claimed and unclaimed Fee Savers can be found on the My Rewards page. The Fee Saver amounts are calculated based on the real-time exchange rate at the time of distribution. 


    Example: If you receive a $500 bonus in BTC, and the price of BTC is $50,000 at the time of distribution, 0.01 BTC in bonus will be credited to your account.

    How will my Trading fee discounts, and fee savers be used if I have them all at once?

    The net trading fees will be calculated based on the following sequence:

    Fee Discount reward will be applied first to the current trading fees, followed by Fee Saver reward.


    For example: 

    Jack claims three (3) rewards from the Rewards Hub: Fee Discount for 30% trading fees, and a 5 USDT Fee Saver.


    His total trading fees are 100 USDT. As such, Jack’s net trading fees would be 70 USDT (utilize the 30% Fee Discount first). The 5 USDT Fee Saver will then be used, resulting in a total fee of 65 USDT.

    Can I apply the rewards to my Subaccount?

    Currently, these features are not supported on Subaccounts. Rewards are only available on your Main Account.

    Why can't I claim the task rewards after completing the trading volume tasks?

    A user will be disqualified from a task reward if they engage in any inappropriate, dishonest or abusive activities (such as wash trading, volume faking, matched trading, etc.). In order to avoid disqualification, please do not engage in these prohibited activities.


    If you have any questions about your eligibility for task rewards, please submit a request under Bybit TR Campaigns, and Rewards and our Customer Support will contact you as soon as possible. 

    What will happen if the Bonus Terms and Conditions have been violated?

    Bybit TR reserves the right to disqualify any participants who engage in dishonest or abusive activities during the event, including multi-account registrations to farm additional bonuses, reusing chain funds and any other activities in connection with unlawful, fraudulent or harmful purposes. Users are advised to read our Bonus Terms and Conditions before participating.

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